Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Teacher´s Day!

Yesterday we celebrated Teacher´s day in our school. Children from all the grades prepared beautiful surprises for their teachers. my Ponies surprised me with a beautful poem in English and their picture with a frame made by them with their names in its back. Let´s listen to the Poem.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our Work in Class

Between and 7 years old, children are in the most important period to learn. Because of that, it’s so important that they start getting English as a Second Language. Everyday, children come to school expecting something new to learn. They learn the English Language through some subjects: In English children have the opportunity to learn letters (name and sound), commands, songs, poems, chants, and vocabulary according to the topic that they are studying. They also learn through storytelling and at the end of the year they can retell stories and create their own ones. In Science they can learn through experimenting and investigating about each topic, for example when we are learning about animals, they have the opportunity to go to a farm or zoo to see how animals leave. In Maths they learn about numbers, shapes, and positions through games and exploration. In Social Studies children learn about habits, good manners and behavior through stories, songs, games and teacher´s performances. Finally, in Religion children learn prayers and songs and they have the opportunity to know something about different religions.

Cómo modificar una conducta.

Papis este es un artículo que Miss Claudia Ramírez encontró en la web. Espero que lo disfruten y les sirva. ¿Cómo modificar una conducta?
Con frecuencia, lo ansiado por los hijos que presentan este tipo de conductas no es obtener alguna cosa material, sino lograr la atención, la aprobación y el afecto de las personas más significativas. No es que tengan unos padres que no les quieren o que les rechazan, sino que necesitan que el afecto y la aprobación se les manifieste de una manera más clara y más evidente. Lo que quiere es llamar la atención, se dice. En este caso parecería lógico que, si le prestamos la atención que reclama solucionemos el problema. En cambio esta conclusión es absolutamente falsa. Al hacerlo así, lo que le estamos enseñando es que obtendrá nuestro aprecio y atención presentando una conducta indeseable.

El camino para resolver de manera eficaz el problema de modificar esa conducta de nuestro hijo que, a todas luces, le perjudica y trastorna nuestras relaciones con él, pasa por las siguientes actuaciones:

Acciones relacionadas con la conducta.
No prestes atención a la conducta indeseable, no le riñas, no hagas comentarios. Sólo en algunos casos, hazle notar lo inapropiado de la conducta de manera escueta, sin perder la calma y con un tono de voz no estridente.

En cambio presta atención a otras conductas deseables y muéstrale aprecio y consideración.

Si la conducta es peligrosa, pon fin a ella lo antes posible. Si puede hacer daño a otros, por ejemplo, será necesario separarlo y apartarlo; si el problema es que se retrasa de manera exagerada, no le permitas salir en adelante.

No cedas nunca a sus requerimientos o imposiciones a pesar de su insistencia, pero dale a entender que comprendes el sufrimiento que le produce su negativa.

No le riñas o grites en el momento en el que se está produciendo la conducta indeseable. Actuar de esa manera, será tanto como claudicar ante su presión. Además, al ponerlo en evidencia o tratarlo con gritos, aumenta su irritación y su capacidad de juicio se enturbia más, con lo que sólo conseguiremos empeorar la situación. Si la situación lo permite, distrae su atención hacia otro asunto, cambia de tema o aléjate de él.

Organiza, con la colaboración de tu hijo, un registro de conductas positivas y propón una recompensa para cuando consiga alcanzar una cierta cantidad. (En una hoja de papel más o menos elaborada, puede ir acumulando pegatinas, puntos, pintar cuadros, etc.)

Acciones relacionadas con la comprensión de la conducta.
Ayúdale a reflexionar sobre lo inconveniente de su comportamiento en otro momento, cuando tu hijo esté tranquilo y con el juicio claro. Buscad entre los dos maneras diferentes de actuar.

Ofrécele tu ayuda para mejorar la situación y el consuelo de tu comprensión.

Proponle la disyuntiva entre actuar de manera adecuada o asumir un castigo relacionado con la conducta o bien con la pérdida de un privilegio. Puedes, por ejemplo, darle a elegir entre cuidar las cosas y no estropearlas o pagar con su dinero o con su trabajo la reparación de los daños. En otra circunstancia puedes proponerle hacer sus tareas escolares aprovechando el tiempo y disfrutar luego de tiempo libre o quedarse sin tiempo libre y pasar la tarde delante de los libros.

En síntesis, se trata de proporcionarle nuevas experiencias que le enseñen otras maneras de obtener el aprecio y el reconocimiento de los demás, de ofrecerle consuelo y ayuda y entrenarle para reflexionar sobre su conducta para que aprenda a tomar decisiones más acertadas.

José María Lahoz García
Pedagogo (Orientador escolar y profesional),
Profesor de Educación Primaria y de Psicología
y Pedagogía en Secundaria

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thanks a lot my Dear Ponies!

Yesterday it was my birthday and my Ponies prepared a wonderful surprise to me! They waited for me early in the morning and shouted "Surprise!!!!! Then, they sang the Happy Birthday song and gave me a lot of gifts.
They gave me a precious card prepared with Miss Vanessa where they had drown me. What nice pictures!
Let´s see some photos!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Father´s Day is an important time to say thank you to our fathers and to remember them how important are they for us. In our school every year we honour our fathers and this year it was not different. On Friday June 18th, we could show Early Years´ Fathers what they have learned for this occasion.
It was a wonderful time for fathers to see and enjoy their kids performances, children from Nursery, Pre Kinder and Kinder prepared a special Show where children sang, recited poems, danced and acted in English and Spanish. My Ponies sang the song "Happy father´s Day to You".
Also they prepared a card and a gift for their fathers. The whole preparation was exciting. Let´s see all those moments.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mary had a Little Lamb.

This week we learnt in Science "Farm Animals". Children enjoyed learning a lot about animals and the benefits they give us. Also, they learnt the song "Mary Had a Little Lamb". You can sing with them.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Field Trip to "El Arriero" farm.

Yesterday, on June 2nd, students from Nursery and Pre Kinder went to visit “El Arriero” farm. It was a good experience for them to understand more about the importance of animals and plants in their lives. It was also useful for them to learn in a different way to do and to make things.
On the farm, they could see and learn about different kinds of animals. They fed them, milked a cow, prepared the dough for their own bread, saw how it was prepared and finally they ate it.
Children were so excited and full of enthusiasm; they really enjoyed the fieldtrip and learnt a lot.

Educación Vial, Programa "Circulando".

El día martes 1 de junio, nuestros niños recibieron la visita del personal de Mapfre quienes les mostraron un video sobre las precauciones que uno debe tomar al estar en la calle, tanto en autos como al ser peatones.
Luego de ver el video los niños fueron a ver un circuito preparado para ellos. Y, guiados por un "Policía clown" pudieron aprender un poco más sobre la importancia de conducirnos con cuidado en la calle.
Los chicos aprendieron un montón, tanto que al día siguiente, mientras íbamos a nuestra visita de estudio, Joaquín Monteagudo vio por la ventana a un taxista que manejaba mientras comía un sandwich y comentó "Miss, ese señor está comiendo mientras maneja. ¡Eso está muy mal!" y le hizo señas al taxista para que lo vea.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

English Tales.

To follow oue curricula, children enjoyed with the stories "The Lion and the Mouse" and "The Little Red Hen". You can enjoy with them too.




This week we are learning the song Hickory Dickory Dock. You can practice it at home.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Letter "L"

This week we are working on letter "L". You can practice at home!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Para divertirnos en vacaciones.

Estas son algunas ideas para estos dìas que los chicos están en casa, espero que disfruten con ellos.

Collares de fideos:
Se pueden usar fideos Canuto, de preferencia grandes e ir pasándolos a través de soguilla, lana o hilo grueso.

Puede ser masa de galletas o plastilina casera que se hace con: 1tz de harina, 1/2 tz de sal, agua (cantidad necesaria) y colorantes vegetales. Se mezcla todo hasta formar una masa homogénea y se echa el colorante.

Separar frejoles de diferentes colores:
(no más de 2 colores para niños de tres años)
Ponerlos en una sola vasija y pedirle al niño que los ponga en diferentes recipientes.

Pelar arvejas:
Ponerles una vasija aparte para que vayan poniendo las arvejas peladas.

Dibujar con tizas en el suelo:
O en una superficie plana (puede ser una pared cubierta con papel kraft o papelógrafo) y con otros materiales como tèmperas, rociadores, etc.

Hacer trazos libres en arena (números, formas):
De preferencia en una vasija rectangular o cuadrada no muy alta, si sale mal borrar con las manos y volver a hacer.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother´s Day!

A mother is able to give everything for nothing. To desire with all her heart without expecting anything in return. To invest everything in a project without measure performance by his investment. A mother continues to have confidence in your children when all others have lost.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Celebrating Mother´s Day!

It's Mother's Day once more. It is the time to give back your mother a fraction of the love and care that our mother gives us all her life. This year in our school we celebrated Mother`s Day with a performance in where our children sang a couple of songs. Our mothers delighted with two excellent songs: “Los Patitos” prepared by Miss Bárbara and “Mama I Love You” prepared by all Pre Kinder Teachers. Let´s enjoy a little bit of children´s performance!

Because our mother is so special, I want to share with you an acrostic that I found in internet, it shows a little bit that we fell to our mothers.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We Finished the First Term.

I write this letter to thank your support that makes us work better with excellent results. The First term has finished satisfaction and watching how our children grow and develop in a pleasant environment, where they are loved and respected for who they are.
NI think that on vacation children deserve a rest, but it is a good idea to remember what they did during this term. Now, a brief summary of what we have done in Maths and English.



Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sports Day

As a tradition, every year we celebrate in our schools the Sports Day. Usually we celebrate it for Father´s Day, but this year things have changed a bit since our traditional Sports Day was held within the St. George’s Day celebrations.
This year parents and kids participated of some competitions such as Volleyball, Football, and a Gymkhana for the younger children. And, of course, it couldn´t miss the traditional contest of bars, where the four Houses showed its organization and enthusiasm and the “Knot of War” where fathers showed their force. The most of our Ponies came and participated with their parents. I´m so happy because all we had a really funny day!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We "Read" at the Library...

Teachers and parents who read children stories aloud to their kids provide a strong, positive influence and build a foundation for a lifetime of significant benefits. It is important to read even in English or in Spanish because it molds our kids into becoming readers.

Every week we go to the Library. There, we met Miss Blanca who is the librarian. She explained to us the importance of taking care of books. My Ponies were so interested in see the books and learnt that books are important for us.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Welcome Gerardo!

Today we received a new friend in our class called Gerardo. He is a really sweet student who joined the group quickly and shared some games and work with his classmates. He enjoyed Theatre and Phisycal Education classes. We are so happy to have Gerardo in our class. WELCOME!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.

According with our activities, this week we will learn Body Parts in Science; because of that we are going to learn the song:

"Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
(Repeat 4 times, getting faster each time)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fieldtrip to "El Remanso" in Chosica

On March 31st all children from Early years went to "El Remanso" Club in Chosica. Our Ponies were excited! Since some days before they have been asking when the fieldtrip could take place. Finally the day came. We leave the school about 8:30 and after a long journey we came there. We were so hungry so, we ate our lunch like in a picnic and then, the fun started. Miss Aida and Teacher César had prepared some games. Children enjoyed a lot. Next, they went to the playground and it was delightful! Finally, it was time to go back home. children were really tired but so happy! they want to have another fieldtrip again. Maybe next year!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Aprendiendo Español.

Si bien en nuestro colegio los chicos están inmersos en el idioma inglés la mayor parte del tiempo, no podemos descuidar su lengua materna. Es por eso que se le da mucha importancia al área de español. En este curso los chicos desarrollan varias habilidades como son: expresión oral (a través de diálogos, exposiciones, narraciones, canciones, rimas, trabalenguas, etc.), producción de textos (a través de dibujos, trazos, escritura de su nombre, etc.), comprensión lectora (a través de la lectura, narración y creación de cuentos). También se desarrolla el plan lector que busca la iniciación de los niños en la lectura. Veamos algunas actividades del curso de Español.

Welcome Miss Heidi!

Since last week, we have Miss Heidi Parsons every Tuesday in our Classrooms telling us wonderful stories and teaching us different words in English. My Ponies enjoy her visits a lot. Miss Heidi is Caleb´s mother. Caleb is a Kinder student who is “sharing his mother” with us. Thanks a lot Miss Heidi and Caleb.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Math Classes at St George´s College.

Early childhood is when and where children begin to discover that Math is all around them. They use, enjoy, and think about math and don't even realize it. Math activities are embedded in real-life activities and help children develop language as they ask questions, develop fine motor skills as they touch and move objects, and improve social skills as they work with parents and others on a problem. All children develop at different rates. Visually impaired students may need extra time to develop and learn, so it is extremely important that they are given opportunities to participate and learn at an early age.

That´s we have learnt in Math