Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thanks a lot my Dear Ponies!

Yesterday it was my birthday and my Ponies prepared a wonderful surprise to me! They waited for me early in the morning and shouted "Surprise!!!!! Then, they sang the Happy Birthday song and gave me a lot of gifts.
They gave me a precious card prepared with Miss Vanessa where they had drown me. What nice pictures!
Let´s see some photos!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Father´s Day is an important time to say thank you to our fathers and to remember them how important are they for us. In our school every year we honour our fathers and this year it was not different. On Friday June 18th, we could show Early Years´ Fathers what they have learned for this occasion.
It was a wonderful time for fathers to see and enjoy their kids performances, children from Nursery, Pre Kinder and Kinder prepared a special Show where children sang, recited poems, danced and acted in English and Spanish. My Ponies sang the song "Happy father´s Day to You".
Also they prepared a card and a gift for their fathers. The whole preparation was exciting. Let´s see all those moments.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mary had a Little Lamb.

This week we learnt in Science "Farm Animals". Children enjoyed learning a lot about animals and the benefits they give us. Also, they learnt the song "Mary Had a Little Lamb". You can sing with them.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Field Trip to "El Arriero" farm.

Yesterday, on June 2nd, students from Nursery and Pre Kinder went to visit “El Arriero” farm. It was a good experience for them to understand more about the importance of animals and plants in their lives. It was also useful for them to learn in a different way to do and to make things.
On the farm, they could see and learn about different kinds of animals. They fed them, milked a cow, prepared the dough for their own bread, saw how it was prepared and finally they ate it.
Children were so excited and full of enthusiasm; they really enjoyed the fieldtrip and learnt a lot.

Educación Vial, Programa "Circulando".

El día martes 1 de junio, nuestros niños recibieron la visita del personal de Mapfre quienes les mostraron un video sobre las precauciones que uno debe tomar al estar en la calle, tanto en autos como al ser peatones.
Luego de ver el video los niños fueron a ver un circuito preparado para ellos. Y, guiados por un "Policía clown" pudieron aprender un poco más sobre la importancia de conducirnos con cuidado en la calle.
Los chicos aprendieron un montón, tanto que al día siguiente, mientras íbamos a nuestra visita de estudio, Joaquín Monteagudo vio por la ventana a un taxista que manejaba mientras comía un sandwich y comentó "Miss, ese señor está comiendo mientras maneja. ¡Eso está muy mal!" y le hizo señas al taxista para que lo vea.