Thursday, May 27, 2010

English Tales.

To follow oue curricula, children enjoyed with the stories "The Lion and the Mouse" and "The Little Red Hen". You can enjoy with them too.




This week we are learning the song Hickory Dickory Dock. You can practice it at home.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Letter "L"

This week we are working on letter "L". You can practice at home!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Para divertirnos en vacaciones.

Estas son algunas ideas para estos dìas que los chicos están en casa, espero que disfruten con ellos.

Collares de fideos:
Se pueden usar fideos Canuto, de preferencia grandes e ir pasándolos a través de soguilla, lana o hilo grueso.

Puede ser masa de galletas o plastilina casera que se hace con: 1tz de harina, 1/2 tz de sal, agua (cantidad necesaria) y colorantes vegetales. Se mezcla todo hasta formar una masa homogénea y se echa el colorante.

Separar frejoles de diferentes colores:
(no más de 2 colores para niños de tres años)
Ponerlos en una sola vasija y pedirle al niño que los ponga en diferentes recipientes.

Pelar arvejas:
Ponerles una vasija aparte para que vayan poniendo las arvejas peladas.

Dibujar con tizas en el suelo:
O en una superficie plana (puede ser una pared cubierta con papel kraft o papelógrafo) y con otros materiales como tèmperas, rociadores, etc.

Hacer trazos libres en arena (números, formas):
De preferencia en una vasija rectangular o cuadrada no muy alta, si sale mal borrar con las manos y volver a hacer.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother´s Day!

A mother is able to give everything for nothing. To desire with all her heart without expecting anything in return. To invest everything in a project without measure performance by his investment. A mother continues to have confidence in your children when all others have lost.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Celebrating Mother´s Day!

It's Mother's Day once more. It is the time to give back your mother a fraction of the love and care that our mother gives us all her life. This year in our school we celebrated Mother`s Day with a performance in where our children sang a couple of songs. Our mothers delighted with two excellent songs: “Los Patitos” prepared by Miss Bárbara and “Mama I Love You” prepared by all Pre Kinder Teachers. Let´s enjoy a little bit of children´s performance!

Because our mother is so special, I want to share with you an acrostic that I found in internet, it shows a little bit that we fell to our mothers.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We Finished the First Term.

I write this letter to thank your support that makes us work better with excellent results. The First term has finished satisfaction and watching how our children grow and develop in a pleasant environment, where they are loved and respected for who they are.
NI think that on vacation children deserve a rest, but it is a good idea to remember what they did during this term. Now, a brief summary of what we have done in Maths and English.